Window treatments are very important for a lot of reasons such as keeping privacy, energy efficiency, brightening up the rooms, etc. One window treatment that has been more popular than most others of its kind is window blinds.

Vertical vs Horizontal Blinds

The two types of blinds, vertical and horizontal, have sparked a vertical vs horizontal blinds debate on online forums for their striking similarities. 

But apart from their similarities, there are quite a few ways vertical and horizontal blinds are different as well. While vertical blinds are suitable for larger and wilder windows, while horizontal blinds suit smaller and narrower windows the best.

Horizontal blinds save a lot of space due to their small slat size while vertical blinds have larger slats. Vertical blinds are easier to clean than their counterparts. 

Let’s take a deeper look at the differences between vertical and horizontal blinds. 

Vertical blinds vs Horizontal blinds

Og all the window treatments available in the market, blinds are arguably the most prevalent and easiest to use. Since there are only two types of blinds, it is very easy for consumers to become embroiled in a debate about horizontal vs vertical blinds, and they have very good reasons for that.

This is because both these blinds have some distinct similarities.

Vertical blinds vs horizontal blinds

The first similarity between these blinds is their ability to block almost all the light coming into the room. No matter what kind of blind you use, you can rest assured that you can block as much light as you want to.

Also, both of these blinds are made of similar materials, such as PVC and faux wood, so there is no way to differentiate between them in this regard. You can read out the article to compare faux wood vs wood blinds.

That was all for their similarities. Now, lets’ take a look at the differences between vertical and horizontal blinds

Key differences between vertical and horizontal blinds for your better understanding:

Vertical BlindsHorizontal Blinds
Are suitable for larger doors and windowsAre suitable for smaller and narrower windows
Have better light-blocking abilityTheir light-blocking ability is inferior to vertical blinds
Easier to cleanHarder to clean
Take up more spaceDon’t take up much space
Make a lot of noiseDon’t make too much noise
Don’t ensure much privacyMaximum privacy is ensured

Pros and Cons of Vertical Blinds:

Vertical Blinds

Vertical blinds are very prominent in houses with large windows and patio doors. These blinds have some excellent advantages as well as some clear disadvantages as well, let’s take a look.


Also, vertical blinds are made of waterproof material such as PVC, so you can use a lot of cleaning materials and methods to clean them without having to worry about them getting water damage. 


Pros and Cons of Horizontal Blinds

Horizontal Blinds

Horizontal blinds are the most used blinds in the world, and whenever you see blinds in popular media, there are more chances that you will horizontal blinds than vertical ones. Here are the pros and cons of horizontal blinds. 



Vertical or horizontal blinds: which is better?

It is very easy to become engaged in a vertical vs horizontal blind debate since these two blinds are made of the same materials and has the same purpose. The best blinds are the one that suits the needs of the users the best.

If you have large windows and patio doors, you have to go for vertical blinds. On the other hand, having narrower windows will require you to install horizontal blinds. Read the article to learn how to measure windows.


Can you mix vertical and horizontal blinds?

Yes, you can mix vertical and horizontal blinds. This will make sure your room has a consistent look no matter what the application is. Also, there are no obligations to make sure your vertical and horizontal blinds have to match. 

What can I use instead of vertical blinds?

There are plenty of alternatives to vertical blinds that you can use. Some of them are 

Can you put horizontal blinds on a sliding door?

Although it is possible to customize horizontal shades to use on a sliding door, it is not recommended. One of the reasons behind this is the weight of the horizontal blinds will be too much for you to operate smoothly. 

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